
Design Concept


Light, melody, and scent of books flow in and permeate the room. A home is a gathering place of distinctive senses and aesthetics, a safe house that harbors the mind and the body, keeping storms and rains away from ordinary living.

  • 此案為改建20年來的居家風格,將新古典風格優雅轉身為現代簡約。四個樓層的一樓為公共空間,客廳採光的幅度加大,打開更廣闊的視野風光,以容納更多的美感進駐,客廳一方面做為宴客接待廳堂之用,鋼琴與大尺度餐廚廳的設計,使得舉辦餐會與小型音樂會的活動時行走動線流暢。

    The renovation project of a twenty-year-old four-story house turns the elegance of neoclassicism into modern minimalism. A shared space with larger openings for lighting and broader prospects for the first floor dictate its aesthetics. Here the living room serves as a hallway for guests, where the presence of a piano and larger dining and kitchen areas next to it facilitates the circulation during small parties or concerts.

  • B1主要為屋主夫妻的動靜態活動空間,設置書房、視聽室與健身房。書房與休憩是的界線由厚實的櫃體(內包覆梁柱)所定義,一個半鏤空又具旋轉功能的電視牆櫃,雙面使用性亦在揭示動靜之間的轉緩像開關一樣容易。

    The basement is the activity area for the host and hostess with its study room, entertainment area, and gymnasium. A series of thick cupboards cover the post and beams define the border between the study and recreation areas. The double-sided use of the half-perforated TV shelf also determines the nature of active and quiet places as it flips between two spaces. The ease of transitions seems like the intuitive flip of a switch.

  • 二三樓為私領域空間,多為臥房設計加上小區域的客廳和室空間,簡潔的色調與線條配置中點綴一些華麗的色彩元素,讓多元的空間,整束在一個有律動感的秩序裡,那是,走到哪裡都有得以沈靜的角落,視線都可以停滯在美感的交融點上,讓家是一個富饒多層風貌的移動風景。

    The private areas of the second and third floors accommodate the bedrooms and smaller living areas, and Japanese-style rooms with tatami straw mats. The simplicity of color scheme and linearity sprinkled with hints of color integrate the spatial diversity into a rhythmic order. There are quiet areas on every corner as one turns around, and the sightline lingers on the intersecting zone of beauty. Home becomes a rich layering of movable landscapes.
