
Design Concept



The landscape with a train speeding through a field of reeds etches an abstract painting of memory. The same nostalgic sedimentation of pigments fills the scent of grass in the air, the candle lights coming from a house in the night, and the first light that breaks through the summer night.

The image of a home includes the life in the native family and the delightful journey far away. These sweet memories constitute the totality of a warm, safe, and comfortable home.

  • 屋主是年輕的設計人,喜歡古典與現代並和的元素。以連續鏤空的直向折板屏風與不規則切割地板,微間隔出一個玄關空間,與玄關座椅與畫作的藝術風格,顯現了居家也能是藝術品典藏的場所。

    The owner is a young designer who celebrates the juxtaposition of classical and modern elements. A series of perforated folding panels and the irregular division of floor patterns demarcate a porch space. Here the artistic styling of the chairs and paintings on the wall suggests the alternative role of the house as a gallery.

  • 在客廳裡造了一座六米長的磚牆,將客餐廳空間串連整合一起,延續性的手法,讓空間有大視覺主體以擴展橫向視野。客廳沙發與書房,整合在一個塊面上,餐廳與廚房、吧台在對稱方位,家中公共空間的聚合與獨立區域,同時發生。

    The six-meter-long brick wall in the living room integrates the living and dining areas. The manner of continuity expands the transversal vision with a prominent figure in sight. The living room couch and the study occupy the same plane, while the dining room, the kitchen, and bar counter become its counterpoint, a simultaneous presence of the shared space and separate areas in the house.

  • 在材質上,以咖啡色系質感建材穩穩為底,深與淺,色系的漸層成了各功能的分野,再加上鐵件適時穿插使用,將懷舊的元素與工業都會的氣息相融合,在看似的衝突對比中,展現出意想不到的趣味接合感。

    The materiality of metal and woods reveals the stability of a brown datum, in which different shades of the gradient allocate the functionality of each component. Fusing reflective elements with a metropolitan industrial atmosphere present an unexpected yet amusing articulation of the seemingly polarized conflicts.
