
Design Concept



Public space is a liminal place for transforming space, time, and emotions. It shapes the dialectics between personal and collective, twisting linear rules into a multiverse of space-time sensibility. Here thoughts turn into creativity that invites an immersive experience of home.

The public facility area of the condominium is established for family pleasure, the resting place for parents, and a paradise for children. The design emphasizes contrasts in color as a datum. The layout enables sight-line interactions through the large panel of glass windows across the atrium, gymnasium, social lounge, and children’s areas, thus strengthening interactions and caring of the community.

  • 大廳壁面以灰白石材裁切成細長形以拼接成一不規則幾何,在橘紅挑高壁面上,成了強烈的迎賓視覺意象。

    The collage of grey and white marble slates on the atrium wall that greets the visitor on the orange surface.

  • 交誼廳長型空間同時分割為幾區,可各據一桌

    The subdivision of longitudinal atrium that shapes the privacy of the tables on each corner.

  • 健身房的鋼線與軟繩裝置,如強弱對應的運動張力感。

    The tension of sports through steel cable and soft ropes of the gym.

  • 遊樂區裡管狀的丟球遊戲,構成了動物線條。

    The energized lines from the pipe-shaped ball catching game.

  • 廊道上藍色漆料劃出大曲面弧形以達抽高天花的戲劇效果。

    The tall dramatic ceiling achieved through large blue pendentives above the corridor.
